Category: Uncategorized

52 Rolls – Week 16

Ilford FP4+ was the film of choice this week, along with a walk across the Golden Ears Bridge. For developing, I chose Diafine and went with a recommendation I found online – rate the FP4+ at 250 (instead of the stock 125) and develop in Diafine 4 minutes standing (i.e. no agitation at all) for…

52 Rolls – Week 15

I seem to be stuck on the Hasselblad lately, but really it’s my best MF camera for walking about for sure. This time, however, I had a roll of Delta 400 already loaded in my second back so it was time to shoot it. Went out to Poco Trail again (also stuck on this) and…

52 Rolls – Week 14

Tested the problem film back again after removing the masking that found its way into the frame. Good news is the image is cleaned up, bad news is there is still a bit of a light leak. That being said, not bad overall. Also, tried out Diafine developer this time. It’s a compensating developer (i.e….