I seem to be stuck on the Hasselblad lately, but really it’s my best MF camera for walking about for sure. This time, however, I had a roll of Delta 400 already loaded in my second back so it was time to shoot it. Went out to Poco Trail again (also stuck on this) and wandered out to the water to catch some pilings and try out a bit of long exposure. This is relative, of course, as 400 speed film already cuts down on the options for exposure time. However, I do have a 10-stop ND so that came in handy.

Now, I seem to have a scanner issue. I picked up the betterscanning.com dry/wet scanning mount a few weeks back and gave it a spin here (the film was very curly, guess it sat in the holder for quite some time). The focus sucks, frankly, so I need to calibrate the holder. I will do this and scan again, but these at least give me an idea of the images. Not too bad contrast-wise (developed in Blazinal 1+25) and the grain, while bigger, is not overwhelming. I like the way the long exposure turned out – I’ll be doing this again.

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